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Forums  >  Write a Review  >  YES (Seattle International Film Festival, 5/22)
Author Post
at 22:45, 22 May 2005
Posts: 1
YES (Seattle International Film Festival, 5/22)
I want to be eloquent and expound on the virtues of this movie, but after seeing Sally Potter's verse in action, words defy to express its beauty. The film touched me with its depth and honesty and as I watched the closing scene weeping, I felt my soul escape from my theater seat in to the realm of possibility. We all have a certain amount of time on this planet, let's fill it with being true to ourselves, love, and above all - peace. I am thankful for this film, it is a gift of love from Sally Potter to all of us.

I can't close without commending Joan Allen. She is stunning in the leading role, and when interviewed in front our film festival crowd she was gracious, beautiful, down-to-earth and yet sparkling... a woman beyond measure.
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