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at 13:01, 23 May 2005
Posts: 5
Yes - my immediate response
I saw the film yesterday - it's part of the Seattle Film Festival.
I liked: the acting, the music, the brave attempt to tackle such a difficult subject.
I didn't like: the ending, the cliche's ( 1)failed marriage, 2) confused daughter, 3)HIM being a brilliant surgeon, even though he works as a cook, to match the scientist-HER intellectually, 4)the feminism touch in the parking lot scene, 5)his flowery language - not all men from the Middle East are poets )
Favorite scenes: 1)the husband listening to blues and falling on his knees a-la Jimmy Hendrix - bravo!!! 2)the aunt's poem, especially her demand for Her to passinately protest her death.

Overall, the film is a very brave, admirable but terribly naiive fairy-tale. Maybe the east/west problem is yet too raw, too now, too personal for everyone to make films about it? Films that will actually work and teach us something other than "war is bad and completely unnecessary if we really learn how to communicate". Such slogans don't work when the war is already on.
at 15:51, 23 May 2005
Posts: 6
I read the film differently: yes, the war IS already on and communication between East and West, Christian and Muslim is harder than it has been in centuries. So the qustion is - what can we do? For me, the film gives us some clues of how it is important, not only to speak, but also to listen. To me, that is not naive - it is hopeful. And I think hope is better than despair.
at 16:56, 24 May 2005
Posts: 5
I'm not here to argue
My perspective on the whole problme is quite different than that of an average american. I'm Armenian and live in USA because of the 1988 armenian genocide in Baku (Azerbaijan). I've already been the victim on the christian/muslim or east/west conflict. I liked the movie, I think it's great it's out there, and it's a very well made film, but I don't belive it. I prefer realistic art.
at 11:18, 4 Jun 2005
Posts: 2
about realistic art
please see my response to the discussion above in the 'Sally Potter Q&A's section
at 15:36, 6 Jun 2005
Posts: 5
it grows on you :)
I didn't cry in the theater but how could I not appreciate the beauty of it? Several days passed and now I simply cannot wait to see it again.
at 09:07, 8 Jun 2005
Posts: 1
YES will be screening in Armenia at the Yerevan Film Festival July 12-17. See
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