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Forums  >  Write a Review  >  Beautifully Original
Author Post
at 13:53, 9 Nov 2005
Posts: 1
Beautifully Original
I have been attempting to see your film since early this summer, but everytime something has kept me from seeing it. Finally, yesterday morning to be exact, the dvd of YES was released in America. I woke up early and went to the store to pick up a copy. I can gratefully tell you that it was worth the wait. In fact I watched it three times yesterday. I am a film student and have seen over 100 films released this year. I can easily say that yours is the greatest. What a daring, beautiful, intelligent, hopeful and sensual film you have made. Every layer of it is absolute brilliance. This is the film that the world needs at this moment. It is a confrontation of so many of the problems that the world is facing and could easily have been cynical and harsh, but you have filled it with hope and beauty. Thank you, thank you, thank you for being such a daring and true original.
sally potter
at 12:14, 18 Nov 2005
Posts: 193
how lovely that you went out in the morning to the store. I can almost see you walking there. Thanks for being one of the first customers....who knows, perhaps even the first person to buy the dvd.
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