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Ghost Cat
at 20:04, 27 Dec 2005
Posts: 1
Must see... and hear
If I can not find the rhyme - fine,
if I can not find the rhythm - hit me!

It's been a while since I have cried watching movie. And by the end I
sobbed like a child who has been told that Santa is not real. Of
course, I'm lying just a bit, men do not cry in movies. It takes a
woman to bring tears to man's eyes. Yet, I admit, the movie touched me
deeply. I have been known to write a verse or two. And timing was
suspiciously perfect, I just was looking for the answer, hoping 'Yes'
could be the word I'll hear from the Goddess. God answered instead. He
did not sound pissed, He actually was pleased with my quest. At least
He was amused, you can bet on that. Let us return back to the movie.
Some people, I guess, those who did not expect to hear a lengthy poem,
might get upset a bit after an overdose of verse. I pity them but
only for a moment, it's all I've got for them, the rest is for my

I meant the time, my darling, not the pity. Yeah, yeah, yeah. OK, I'm
sorry, little domestic troubles. I gotta go now. See it for yourselves. And hear too)))


Ghost Cat

PS. I wrote it quickly for IMBD. Had a bit of troubles with the words 'pissed' and 'overdose'. Talk about an overdose of censorship.
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