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at 10:42, 28 Dec 2005
Posts: 10
An important film for our time
Five thousand years of human history have shown us that the intellect is the slave of the heart. Whoever wins the heart will also win the mind, and with it the potentially destructive (or beneficial) forces of human technology. THEY know this, the neo-cons, the neo-Nazis. They are not wasting time in their use of the propaganda of hate to rally the blind sheep called the electorate.
YES is more than just a beautiful poem that fills our hearts with joy and tears. It is an important film because it has taken the essential problem of our times away from the power-brokers, the politicians, and the pundits, and has given it to us, to our hearts, so that we can feel the ache, and know the gulf of understanding that we must cross.
All the important and insightful books that have been written about the East-West conflict can only take root in a mind whose heart has been won by OUR side. It is a sad realization that any side of this conflict can recite its own fine sounding rationalizations for what it does. This has happened throughout history, and is happening now.
For that reason, YES is an important film for our time. Who can see this film without falling in love with both HE and SHE? Who cares about the number of syllables in a line? What does matter is that two heart’s palms have reached through the window of ignorance and misunderstanding, and joined firmly in the embrace of love. If we feel this love, then our hearts are won as well. Sally Potter asks (diary-Sitges 18 October) “who is to say that a small number of viewers is less important than a large one?” It doesn’t matter to the film, but it might well matter to the course of history. This new century is getting off to a bad start. If peace and love fail to win the heart, then the coming decades will be just a sad repetition of the last bloody century.
YES, it does matter how many people see this beautiful and moving film
Brian Young
Port Townsend, WA
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