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at 21:38, 2 Apr 2006
Posts: 0
My thank you for YES
Yes is life's invitation
to laugh, to love, to be
is Yes so difficult to see?

Yes is a question,
the asking of which
will make us free

Yes is an answer, life's affirmation
a conviction held dear, perhaps with cost
(and if we waver are we lost?)

Yes is exhultation, exclamations (of desire)
Yes! Yes! Yes! only fans this fire
(e.g. "I'll have what she's having."...When Jerry Meets Sally)
(so wonderful to feel, but is it really real?)

Yes is impatience, irritation
always in a hurry
Yes is the bliss of What, me worry?

Yes is Now
Now is Yes
the dance of life
the song of death

Yes is a destination of agreement
not comprimise
mutually understanding
from Yes we rise

Yes is homecoming
no longer lost
we've grown together
we can share our love
(or would you rather...)

Thank you Sally for your wonderful work.

Jerry Shaw
sally potter
at 05:16, 16 Apr 2006
Posts: 193

Thank you, Jerry, for posting this. It is lovely when people share their work. A courageous thing to do.
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