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Forums  >  Politics  >  Ernesto
Author Post
at 20:12, 19 Aug 2005
Posts: 2
I thought I would share with you some of Ernesto Guevara's writings:

""El odio como factor de lucha; el odio intransigente al
enemigo, que
impulsa más allá de las limitaciones naturales del ser
humano y lo convierte
en una efectiva, violenta, selectiva y fría máquina de
matar. Nuestros
soldados tienen que ser así; un pueblo sin odio no puede
triunfar sobre un
enemigo brutal. Hay que llevar la guerra hasta donde el
enemigo la lleve: a
su casa, a sus lugares de diversión; hacerla total. Hay
que impedirle tener
un minuto de tranquilidad, un minuto de sosiego fuera de
sus cuarteles, y
aún dentro de los mismos: atacarlo donde quiera que se
encuentre; hacerlo
sentir una fiera acosada por cada lugar que transite.
Entonces su moral irá
decayendo. Se hará más bestial todavía, pero se notarán
los signos del
decaimiento que asoma."

Ernesto "Ché" Guevara

After seeing your beautiful Tango Lesson, I do not believe you would share his feelings.
at 07:07, 22 Aug 2005
Posts: 1
I would like to read this quote - can you translate it into English?
at 19:19, 23 Aug 2005
Posts: 2
Here is my best effort:
“Hatred as a factor of struggle; unyielding hatred for the enemy that drives a human being beyond his natural limitations and converts him into an effective, selective, violent, cold killing machine. Our soldiers have to be like that; a people without hatred cannot triumph over a brutal enemy. We have to take war wherever the enemy takes it: to his home, to his places of entertainment; make war complete. We have to prevent him from having a minute of peace, a minute of respite outside his barracks and even within them: attack him wherever he is; make him feel like a trapped wild animal everywhere he goes. Then will his morale decay. He will become more like an animal, but you will note signs of decay.”

sally potter
at 03:48, 26 Aug 2005
Posts: 193
You are absolutely right. I cannot agree or empathise with hatred as a motivating force. Of course I have never lived under the extreme conditions of revolution or war, nor have I had to fight against a ‘brutal enemy’. But still, the idea of deliberately turning a person into a ‘cold killing machine’ seems to destroy, at least in principle, all that is subtle, tender and intelligent about being human.
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