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Forums  >  Politics  >  kissing the french fries
Author Post
at 10:37, 9 Dec 2006
Posts: 17
kissing the french fries
I've seen the man who cried.Did not know u were the one responsible 4 it until i saw it 4 the second time purely by mistake. It seems that you like romanian music but also like to keep it undercover.
The songs that the gypsy sing are romanian and in romanian.They are again songs from folklore.Ballads sang by the common folk to praise the local roobin hoods that would fight the rich land owners.
What was that movie about?Couldn't get my arms around it.
sally potter
at 11:52, 6 Jan 2007
Posts: 193
Sorry you could not get your arms around The Man Who Cried. It was a difficult film to make, for many reasons, but one enduring joy in the process was working with the Taraf de Haidouks, whose music I adore. I dont think the music is undercover. On the contrary it is at the core of the film and is also, of course, on the CD soundtrack of the film, with quite a lot of information about the music and the musicians in the booklet that accompanies it.
I cannot - or do not want to - 'explain' the film here....though , in common with all my work, i am always asked to in the publicity tours following the film's release.
In the longterm I always hope the work speaks for itself. In this case I hope it sings for itself.
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